Thursday, September 01, 2005

Conservative leaders' 'teshuva' on, um...

Warning: Do not read while eating-

From the far left Tikkun magazine:

The Conservative movement has recently issued a policy statement on transgender Jews, which suggests that a wholesale change in Rabbinical recognition of the transgendered is afoot. According to a United Synagogue Review summary of recent decisions of the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards circulated on the TransJews listserv, Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz issued a responsum entitled “The Status of Transsexuals,” which took the following revolutionary positions:
1. Only those who have undergone full Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS), including phalloplasty/vaginoplasty, are to be considered as having changed their sex status and should be recognized as their new sex by Jewish law.
2. A person who has undergone partial SRS is not deemed to have changed their sex status.
3. A brit of hatafat dam brit is not required for one who has had a phalloplasty.
4. A get (Jewish divorce) is not necessary if one spouse undergoes SRS since the kiddushin are automatically annulled. However, in the case of a Male to Female (MTF) person, a get should be given before the SRS is completed.
5. Recognition by the civil authorities of the new sex status is required in order to marry a person who has undergone SRS. This will prevent us from performing same sex marriages according to civil law.
6. A new name should be given to the person with a new sexual status by means of a misheberach.
The teshuvah was approved

The Conservatives have completely worn out this nonsensicle facade of accepting halacha. Yet again they've unmasked their inner self, who they truly are and what they believe- or don't believe!

Their heretical and hysterical "Teshuvas" are not surprising considering they've performed so many operations on the ancient and timeless Scroll, it is no longer recognizable to them.

They shouldn't be writing a "teshuva" but doing some.

Come home, repent.
posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 11:47 PM


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