Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hannity, Krugman and the decline of debate

Hannity and Krugman are two different sides of the same coin and when it comes to ideas and productive debate we're getting short changed.

Brash, intellectually ignorant take-no-prisoners style both the conservative Fox News Channel and ABC radio host Sean Hannity, and the liberal N.Y. Times columnist Paul Krugman check their political label first than form an opinion. What they consistently engage in is both preaching to a choir and mimicking it.

You'd be hard pressed coming up with one issue either of them differ from their party's standard orthodoxy. As Ed Koch use to say " Ahh, if you agree with me, ahh, one hundred percent of the time, ahh, your nuts!"

Both have many fans and a large audience- of robots I'm afraid.
posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 1:55 PM


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