Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Is Ron Perlman really observant?

From Forbes

Revlon owner, multi billionaire Ron Perlman is?-

..Yet he is an observant Jew who doesn't work from sundown Friday to Sunday morning and who, as the Talmud demands, on Saturdays always prays in a group of ten Jewish men, no matter where he is in the world.

Your doubtful?-

For five years now Perelman has been married to his fourth wife -- the blonde Ellen Barkin, the actress; friends say she has calmed him down. He had four children with his first wife, a fifth with his second wife (former gossip columnist Claudia Cohen) and a sixth (the daughter with the $3 meal tickets) with his third spouse.

posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 2:45 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know very little about Mr. Perleman, other than his generous tzedakkah to Jewish organizations. But to judge someone's religiosity because they have had issues in their personal life is deplorable. nu, it's Elul.

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A divorced person (who presumably pays child support) is doubtfully observant because he continues to have children and populate the world? I don't know if Ron Perelman is Shomer Shabbat or not, but I wouldn't question his observance of Shabbat because he has een married three times.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Yeshiva Orthodoxy said...

Im just dubious that he is realy religious.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister worked directly for him. She lived in his house, traveled with him and the kids. I never met him, but we've discussed life there enough that I have a pretty thorough picture.

The basic guideline is that he did follow quite a lot of rules and definitely more than anybody else at his level of wealth (now #34 richest in the US), albeit not every last one to the letter of the law.

Specifics: First, she was not allowed to bring any non-kosher food in the house. Although the cook is Jamaican and we're not sure what if anything he does about the pilot and bishul akum. Several of my friends wanted to be his personal mashgiach lol (suffice it to say that salaries there are quite generous!). Pesach the place is throughly turned upside down to say the least (I believe each seder had 50+ guests). He wouldn't eat out in the non-kosher restaurants of his good buddy Donald Trump. A Kiddush Hashem in my book.

As for weekends, he used to fly by private jet Friday mornings, while the rest of his family would fly later on Friday. When home (Manhattan midtown east side) he definitely went to shul Shabbos morning, don't know about during the week. When they traveled there were often (though I never confirmed if always) 9 boys whose job title is professional adult Jewish male = travelling minyan. I always joked that their resume probably said "fastest Shemoneh Esrei in the West."

Definitely has a sukkah. Purim seudah, mishloach manos, I hope matanos l'evyonim lol.

His wife and kids are a different story (in terms of level of observance). Hope that helps. Feel free to post more questions if you're curious, as this is one of the few areas where I actually have unique insider knowledge lol.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What right do you have to speculate about other people's lack of frumkeit just because they don't live in Lakewood or wear a boraslino?! Divorces happen unfortunately; so he should never remarry for the duration of his life.
C'mon people dan lekaf zechus maybe a little; pretend to care if you have to.

12:02 AM  
Blogger Yeshiva Orthodoxy said...

When he married socalite Pat Duff who converted- she was pregnant.
I put up about his marriages to provide backround; It dosen't mean he's irreligious, it does mean he's wealthy.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's Lubavitch-affiliated.

3:04 AM  

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