Friday, September 09, 2005

Is this STILL Judaism?!

Father in heaven we weren't still when others perverted the holy, sullied the sanctified...

We condemn:

Reform Judaism press release :

Washington, September 7, 2005 - In response to yesterdays vote by the California Assembly legalizing same sex marriage, Rabbi Michael Berk, Director of the Union for Reform Judaisms Pacific Central West Council, and Rabbi Alan Henkin, Director of the Union for Reform Judaisms Pacific Southwest Council, issued the following statement:
Yesterdays vote by the California Assembly is a monumental stride toward ensuring and ultimately protecting the gay and lesbian communitys right to share in the same personal and legal privileges of civil marriage afforded heterosexual Americans. The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act amends the California Family Code to define marriage as a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between two persons, instead of between a man and a woman. This new classification will permit access for same sex couples to over eleven hundred rights, protections, and responsibilities afforded to heterosexual couples.
The California Assembly's decision reflects the notion that the United States was established with the important belief that all people are equal under the law. To that end, we must continue to remain steadfast in our intolerance of laws and regulations that do not reflect that equality. To allow only heterosexual couples the legal protection through marriage relegates the gay and lesbian population to second class citizenship. As the California Assemblys vote makes clear, gays and lesbians should enjoy the same fundamental civil marriage rights all other Americans enjoy. The Assemblys vote is a powerful and necessary declaration that people should not be excluded from the institution of marriage and related benefits based on their sexual orientation.
The Reform Jewish Movement has long been committed to welcoming gay and lesbian Jews into our congregations, synagogues and communal life and staunchly supports legislative efforts to grant equal opportunity through
same sex marriage for the gay and lesbian community.
We applaud the California Assemblys landmark decision...

To our brothers a question: At what point does "reforming Judaism" reach the point it becomes so unrecognizable that it isn't Judaism at all but a new distinct breed?

This issue alone quantitatively and qualitatively deviates from Mosaic laws by :
  • Permitting and normalizing a behavior unambiguously forbidden, called an abomination in the holy Torah
  • Disregarding Mosaic marriage ("al daas Moishe V'Yisroel"); no longer defining this holy union as the Torah prescribes it, but as man wants it
  • Legistlating and inculcating by law and decree a new definition of marriage and " sanctified union", thus causing others to sin.

While they abandon You and Your laws we become more attached.

posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 1:49 PM


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