Thursday, September 15, 2005

One nation under who?

Let me congratulate the judge on his wise decision that "one nation under g-d" be stricken out of the"pledge" in our public schools. Our learned children deserve a more precise and acurate reading:

" nation under unelected, omnipotent, elite judges (who are destroying our culture)..".

Does the removal now of "under G-d" mean retroactivly we weren't under Him?

Judges should be term limited along with law professors. Uber-clever judges' renderings have sadly left us neither"one nation" nor "under g-d".
posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 12:10 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally and utterly agree with you. These are the people who are detroying the very fabric our country was built upon. And as you said soon enough there will be no more!

12:54 AM  
Blogger Yeshiva Orthodoxy said...

As Shakespere wrote "kill all lawyers". Well perhaps death is a little to harsh so have them up for reapointment every 5 years.

2:41 AM  

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