Thursday, September 01, 2005

Satmar Rebbe Z"TL's Yarzheit

In the treife medina he created a dynasty.They laughed and riduculed him for daring to attempt to recreate what he left behind. Through dogged efforts and unswaying beliefs his ambition first pursevered than eventualy thrived, bared witness today across the globe.

He taught us : in order to view the heaven properly you have to erect a high wall around you. If you emulate them, you (or you're children) will chas vashalam eventualy become them.

Fierce, determined, unrelenting, a dedicated soilder of Hashem.

All of us owe honor and thanks to his memory for Yidisshkeit in America.

Jewish Observer article after his petirah
posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 3:11 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

PLEASE- One day you will grow up and realize what a destructive force satmar is for its adherents and the rest of orthodoxy. They are forging a truly embarassing legacy for themslevs in the exclusiveness, lack of consideration for KLAL Yisrael and their willingness to take funds from governments to which they contribute nothing but poverty.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEy anonymous thats the people who claim they represent him
but we all know they do not

4:47 PM  
Blogger Yeshiva Orthodoxy said...

Their contribution is 'exclusionary' that is preventing a destruction.
If you'r embarassed by them you got much soul searching to do.

12:29 AM  

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