Sunday, October 30, 2005

Driving R' Metzger into trouble

Arutz Sheva :

...The rabbi and his personal driver Chaim Eisenstadt flew to Russia on Wednesday, the day following the Simhat Torah holiday in Israel. In the Diaspora however, Wednesday was celebrated as Simhat Torah and the custom is that an Israeli finding himself abroad on the second day of the holiday, which is only observed out of Israel, observes the holiday publicly to avoid giving the appearance of holiday desecration.
Rabbis around Israel expressed outrage over Rabbi Metzgerā€™s actions, stating that the Chief Rabbi of Israel was seen being driven to and checking into a hotel on the holiday in Russia, creating more than a bit of a stir...
Oops. What was he thinking?
posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 9:33 AM


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