Sunday, October 30, 2005

Pelham's Hebrew School is guess where

You are looking at the Pelham Jewish Center's Hebrew School!!
NYTimes :

Pelham Jewish Center, a Conservative synagogue with a membership of just over 100 families, began a $1.5 million renovation last January, knowing it would take months - during which the sanctuary and teaching space would be unavailable. (And as with most renovations, this one is taking even longer than originally hoped. Its target completion date, initially this fall is now January or February.) Rabbi Schuck and the synagogue's board members began looking for other places, and it did not take long to find them. By the end of January, the synagogue had moved its classes and administrative offices to St. Catharine's. It was also holding its weekly Sabbath services at Christ Church, which is closer to the synagogue and thus allows Rabbi Schuck to abide by traditional Jewish laws prohibiting driving on the Sabbath.

posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 1:21 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he should just drive. This is terrible. Once again proof that the world is upside down.

7:44 AM  

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