Sunday, October 23, 2005

A survivor of Radin

My West Texas has a first person account of a holocaust survivor from Radin:

The following is a recounting of life in Radin, Lithuania, as survived by Laibke Yankelovich, who survived a Nazi invasion of his hometown in 1942. He recounted his thoughts on a tape recorder for Midland dentist Dr. Frank Kasman who, through a series of pictures from Radin and first-person accounts, is keeping the memory of Radin and its people alive. His series of photographs is on display through January 2, 2006, at the Holocaust Museum of Houston. There have been no changes made to Mr Yankelovich's account. When he immigrated to America after the Nazi invastion, and after going from town to town in Europe for many months, Mr. Yankelovich changed his name to Leon Young...

To read the entire testimony first click on this than on this.

posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 12:13 PM


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