Monday, November 14, 2005

Clinton by the kotel


Sen. Hillary Clinton visited Jerusalem's Western Wall on Monday, and slipped a personal note between the stones, before heading to a memorial service for the assassinated former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
Children threw candy at the New York Democrat, while she posed with women celebrating their sons' Bar Mitzvahs - a Jewish rite of passage - at the Western Wall.
A blue shawl draped around her shoulders, Clinton spent a few solitary moments before the massive structure, while her male security detail stood on the sidelines, barred from the exclusively women's portion of the holy site.
posted by Yeshiva Orthodoxy
at 2:22 PM


Blogger AS said...

The note said "please kill my cheating husband, so I can collect his life insurance policy".

4:04 PM  

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